2020 2023 2024 All Fine Art New Paintings

Oil Paintings

I enjoy using oil paint because it provides rich textures, vibrant colors, and the ability to blend and layer the paint, resulting in visually stunning seascapes and florals. Tools: Gesso canvas, oil paints, and brushes Landscapes & Seascapes Florals

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Pottery Decor

A few Raku and hand building pieces. I have been exploring my creativity using various textures and found items in my pieces. Tools: Clay

All Fine Art New

Pottery & Ceramics

High fire small bowls, serving bowls, nesting bowls, decorative bowls, pitchers, cups, and bottles. Tools: Stoneware clay and porcelain clay

2020 All Fine Art New Paintings

Acrylic Holiday Paintings

The holidays bring so much excitement and inspiration when I’m painting with acrylics. I enjoyed painting a few seasonal still lifes that are just as festive as the holidays. It was fun to see the progress of these paintings as they take on each season. Tools: Liquitex Acrylics, Round Brushes, and Flat Brushes Progress Photos

2020 All Fine Art Imaging New

Digital Floral Series

These are a few floral still lifes in Adobe Sketch for iPad with Apple Pencil. It was a thrilling challenge to learn to draw a series of four florals using bright vibrant colors, watercolor brushes, and markers in Adobe Sketch. It was exciting to think of a composition digitally and create the watercolor details with […]

All Campaign New Print

Make-A-Wish Young Professionals Media

As a member of the Make-A-Wish Mid-South Young Professionals, I was 2018, 2019, and 2020 VP of Communications. My role included designing materials and managing communications for various events. For more information, please visit Make-A-Wish Mid-South. Credits: Images & Logos provided by Make-A-Wish Mid-South and DJC Productions, LLC | Tools: Illustrator, InDesign, Photoshop, and iPhone […]

All Campaign New Print

ACS Survivor Soirée Tickets & Auction Paddles

As a member of the ACS Survivor Soirée Committee, I was asked to create the tickets and auction paddles for the event. I accomplished this goal by implementing their branding and using provided images and logos by the American Cancer Society of Central Arkansas. For more information, please visit The American Cancer Society. Credits: Sponsor of […]