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ACS Survivor Soirée Tickets & Auction Paddles

As a member of the ACS Survivor Soirée Committee, I was asked to create the tickets and auction paddles for the event. I accomplished this goal by implementing their branding and using provided images and logos by the American Cancer Society of Central Arkansas.

For more information, please visit The American Cancer Society.

Credits: Sponsor of the Auction Paddles – Bear State Bank | Tools: Images & Logos provided by ACS, Photoshop, FujiFilm Finepix f20

The tickets served as a great reminder of the anticipated event and allowed entrance to the event. In addition to the tickets, the auction paddles were used during the live auction portion of the event and listed reminders of the help a donation provides ACS.

With the images and logos provided by ACS, I wanted to continue the theme of the event by incorporating similar type, color, and logo placement. This allowed the items to fit seamlessly into the event.